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Contact Us: 904.249.9292


Come stressed, leave refreshed!

At our salon, we perform every service that can make you look beautiful or feel great. From our wide selection of massages, nail services, and hair care, we can provide exactly what you want from one of our experienced staff members.

Book your appointments online!

You can now book your appointments online with our new website. No more having to call into the salon to book an appointment. As soon as you book your appointment, it will show up in our books here!

Purchase a gift certificate.

Gift certificates are the perfect gift for any occasion. Purchase one today for an upcoming holiday or birthday.

You will make someone's day!

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We have just updated our website to give you more functionality, including the ability to book appointments online 24/7!

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We have just launched our new online booking portal to make the process easier for you to book an appointment immediately online.

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320 9TH Ave. North | Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 | 904.249.9292